It is with real sadness that I inform you that Miss Kitty passed away earlier this week. She was a loyal cat who tolerated my love of little dogs especially when VALENCIA join our household.
I rescued Miss Kitty from a few months of caged life at the ASPCA in Poughkeepsie. She was not a young cat or my first choice. However she ended up being the perfect cat for me.
She spent most of her life in Williamsburg where she had worked as a fierce hunter during the early years and transitioned into a reliable alarm clock alerting me in the morning that it was time for fresh food and water. She was so good at letting you know her needs.
She loved bags nearly as much as I do. She always found a way to sit in any plastic bag left on the counter or sleep in a good shopping bag on the floor or to pose for the camera in an fancy bag.
It is sad to look on top of the fridge and not see her. Please take a moment today to think of Miss Kitty.
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