Last Sunday, I spotted this little dog running free in McCarren Park. With help from my brother and Lucy's owner, she found her way to my apartment. Of course, I gave her a name, Thunderscotch, and set about trying to find her owners if she had been lost or new owners if she was ditched. Thunderscotch spent nearly a week with me and VALENCIA. In addition to caring for her, I spread the word about her to everyone as well as various dog rescue groups. Thankfully, I found her a home with a sweet couple in the 'hood who have renamed the little dog, Junebug.

I did all of this because it was the right thing to do. I also know this has nothing to do with bags. So let's get back to bags, please consider supporting or rewarding my good deed by gifting me this great bag designed by one of my favorite artists - Nathalie Lete.
Here's the link.

Just a thought! Back to bags tomorrow.
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